Tuesday 11 September 2007

Renée Vivien

Renée Vivien (1877-1909) is one of my favorite poet and it's very easy to be amazed by her verses. She was British but she wrote only in French, I don't speak French very much, unfortunately, but enough to understand the power and the beauty hidden behind the words.
She doesn't write, she paints with her pen and the result is terrific.
She died very young and she killed herself after an abuse of alcohol and drugs. She also suffered from anorexia nervosa.

L’Iris noir

Dans tes pétales de ténèbres
S’attristent les songes funèbres
Et les pressentiments du soir,
Long iris noir.

La Nuit aux mains prodigues verse
Des lueurs de lune perverse
Sur ton calice d’encensoir,
Long iris noir.

Tu fleuris à l’ombre rougie
D’une mélancolique orgie
Que l’aurore vient décevoir,
Long iris noir.

Tu meurs parmi les lassitudes
Abandonnant aux solitudes
Leurs frêles mains de désespoir,
Long iris noir.
Rythme dans la Forêt

Viens, nous irons vers la Nature,
Les abîmes et les forêts
Dont se crispe la chevelure,
Et vers l’automne aux longs regrets.

L’ombre, qui voit les lourdes fièvres
Se ralentir et s’apaiser,
Me verra boire sur tes lèvres
Le soupir profond du baiser.

Pour mes voluptés de poète,
J’amalgamerai les couleurs,
Je tresserai les chants de fête
Et je ferai jaillir les fleurs.

From "Echos et Reflets" - 1903

Sunday 2 September 2007

Pride & Prejudice

Oh if only I could live in that century!

Chapter 59

"My dear Lizzy, where can you have been walking to?" was a
question which Elizabeth received from Jane as soon as she
entered their room, and from all the others when they sat down
to table. She had only to say in reply, that they had wandered
about, till she was beyond her own knowledge.
She coloured as
she spoke; but neither that, nor anything else, awakened a
suspicion of the truth.